Thursday, September 23, 2010

Memorial Service Program - 8th Sept 2010

Ruth Evelyn Mitchell Blowers
May 26 1926 - August 14 2010

Mom's favorite flowers
'Busy Lizzie' (Impatiens)

Memorial Service
Bradenton Missionary Village
September 8th 2010

Prelude -

Welcome, Reading of Obituary -                      Mike Underwood
                                       (Manager of  Bradenton Missionary Village)
Scripture Reading -                                        Ruth Roesler
                         (Mom's dear friend and prayer partner at the village.)
Song "There is a Fountain" -                           Congregation

Song "We Have This Moment Today" -              Fern Larson

Family Tributes -                                           David Blowers
                                                                  Darlene Blowers Brooks
                                                                  Larry Blowers
                                                                  James Blowers
                                                  (Read a tribute from Mike Blowers
                            - grandson of Ruth and son of James and Cynthia)
                                                                  Mindy Brooks
                                                                  Emily Brooks
                                                                  Kaylee Brooks
                                                                  (grand-daughters of Ruth
                                        - and daughters of Darlene and Mike Brooks)

Message -                                                     James Blowers 
                                                                  (Hope vs Expectation)
Solo "Family Reunion in Gloryland"              James Blowers on guitar
(Mom had specially requested it be sung at our family reunion in Cascade Idaho)

Closing Prayer -                                            David Nixon 
             (Florida District Superintendent for the Church of the Nazarene)

Pianist: Miriam Brammer
(Retired fellow missionary to Papua New Guinea)
Song Leader: Cliff Truman
Ushers: Al Wilson, Paul Say

Memorial gifts in Ruth's memory may be made to: 
Missionary Aviation Fellowship, PO Box 47, Nampa, ID 83653

Note: In lieu of flowers, Ruth requested that friends buy a pot of New Guinea impatiens as a reminder to pray for Papua New Guinea.

- Ruth's Obituary -
Ruth Evelyn Mitchell Blowers  was born in Kansas City, Kansas, on May 26 1926. Though the family kept moving from town to country and from pillar to post, Jesus found 11 year old Ruth in Austin, Texas. She gave her heart to Him at a Nazarene Church alter. When Ruth was 15 years old in the 9th grade at Grants Pass, Oregon, she heard God's call to the mission field.

After her father, C.W. Mitchell's conversion, Ruth's schooling was basically in small Christian schools. At Immanuel Missionary School in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and at Faith Bible School in Mitchell, South Dakota, she was rooted and grounded in the faith, resulting in a zeal to serve God.

Mid-way through Bible College at 20 years of age, the door opened for her to go to China to tutor a missionary couple's child. For two and a half years Ruth worked with China Wesleyan Mission-until communism ousted all missionaries in  1949.

Ruth returned to the USA to get further Bible training at Southern Wesleyan Bible College in Intercession City, Florida, where she met the godly, young Bruce Blowers. Three years later Ruth agreed to follow him to the ends of the earth for Jesus' sake. They were married in 1952 at the time of his two years as a Free Methodist pastor in Allentown, Pennsylvania. 

In 1955, Rev, and Mrs Bruce Blowers sailed for New Guinea with six month old boy-girl twins who helped break the superstitions that multiple births were a bad omen. Two more sons were born in New Guinea. The four Blowers children graduated from the high school for children of Wycliffe Bible Translators (SIL).

For 10 years the Blowers were missionaries with Evangelical Bible Mission at which time Bruce reduced the unwritten Kagol language to writing and translated scripture. Meanwhile, Ruth's ministries, other than mothering their four children, assisted Bruce's literacy program, clinic work and women's Bible classes.

For the next 28 years with the Nazarene Mission, while Bruce filled various administrative roles and translated the New Testament in the Wahgi language, Ruth taught the women to follow Jesus and be submissive to their husbands.

Upon retirement at Bradenton Missionary Village in 1996, Ruth wrote their missionary memories for the 16 grandchildren and two great grandchildren, anticipating that they, too, find the rewards of serving Christ.

In addition to her parents, Ruth was preceded in death by an infant brother, Bice Glynn (at 13 months old), and sister Dera Keen (July 4th 1999).

Ruth leaves her beloved husband, Bruce and four precious children; 
- David Ray (Carisa) of Nampa, Idaho and twin sister
- Darlene Kay Brooks (Mike) of Bethany, Oklahoma
- Larry Dean (Iris) of Auckland, New Zealand
- James Bruce (Cynthia) of Middleton, Idaho; wonderful siblings
- Charles (Maxine) Mitchell of Hicksville, Ohio
- Eugene (Glenna) Mitchell of Grants Pass, Oregon
- Sara (Norman) Gerig of Albany, Oregon; and 
- Lyneva (Ed) Grauberger of Longmont, Colorado.

Present at Ruth's memorial service were:
all of Ruth's immediate family, Darlene and Mike's daughters Mindy, Emily, and Kaylee; sister Lyneva Grauberger; and Karen Mitchell Casey eldest daughter of Charles and Maxine Mitchell.

Ruth's life verse: Romans 1:16
"For we are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto Salvation to everyone who believes." 

NOTE: Interested in viewing recent and old photos of Mom?
You can click on this public link to my (&/or Darlene's) Facebook albums.

Album of Grandma/Mom:

Album of Grandma Closeups:

Album of Mom's Favorites:

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