Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mom's Tribute VISITORS 'Book'

Hello Friends and Family of Ruth Evelyn Mitchell Blowers.

Please sign our 'visitors' book.

Our family has been blessed greatly by those who have recorded their memories and tributes here. REMEMBER! It need not be anything lengthy or elaborate.

We know many of you are visiting and enjoying the tributes. So, just as we had a register at mom's memorial, could we ask you to 'sign in' so we can see who has 'visited'.

To do so simply click on the 'comments' link and leave your name and any contact details you don't mind leaving for us should we wish to reply.

Thank-you from the Blowers Family!


  1. Hi Larry,
    Enjoying the tributes. I aim to write something this weekend.

  2. Larry, I know you have been through a lot since our last communication. My condolences to you and your family members. Ruth was a dear friend of the Wrights. We knew her and the Mitchell family since 1937.

    One thing the Wright boys liked about Ruth was when she would come visit at our house. Since we had no girls in our family, it was our duties to wash and wipe dishes after each meal. Ruth would not let the Wright boys do them when she visited us. So, of course we thought Ruth was really super nice.

    I have enjoyed viewing the may pictures taken during your stay in the USA. Yours and others pictures have refreshed my memories of the Mitchell and Blowers families. Of course, I did not know much about the Blowers kids, but did know of them somewhat.

    I trust your visit was enjoyable, as well as meaningful. It was probably providential that you were in Idaho when your mom was taken to her eternal reward. I am glad you were there with your family for that home-going.

    May God bless you and your family at this time of your bereavement.

    Paul Wright
    Friends of Mitchell family from Grants Pass, Oregon

  3. G'day from Glasshouse Mountains. Lovely to see an MAF plane again Larry. Trust you and your family are well. I'm sure you miss your Mum. I can tell you Larry of how much your Mum did for me was help me enjoy the grammar of mid Whagi. I sat with her many times and she would really help me. I still use words but phrases are gone!! I'm sure Larry, like me, you miss PNG ssoo much. Not so much PNG today but the days that your family first went there and when I went there in 1970. OK wantok, love Margie Mander

  4. Ruth Blowers was certainly unique and one of the most interesting individuals I have ever met. She was my neighbor in Papua New Guinea, my colleague in ministry, and a dear sister in the Lord. I have so many wonderful memories of her. She was funny, had such a big heart, and her walk with the Lord was an inspiration. I remember her pouring a pitcher of pink Kool-Aid over my 2-year old Tim's head when his fever went to dangerous levels from a Malaria attack. We were going up the Tun Mountain heading home from William Bromley's funeral. Poor Tim had pink tears but he survived from Aunt Ruth's quick action. She was like a second Mom to my kids loving them like her own. I smile to myself when I think how she orchestrated her departure to Heaven. To have all her family near and having such good family time before it was time to say goodbye would be the way she wanted it. I know it was in God's hands, but I can see Ruth saying a special thank you to Jesus when she met Him. When we all meet her in Heaven, we can learn the real scoop!
    Carol Anne Eby


NOTICE: You can add a separate tribute here in the comment option (instead of simply commenting on an existing tribute) and I will insert it as a separate post. OR, you can send to me at leddieboy@gmail.com.