Monday, September 20, 2010

My thoughts on Grandma B (by Mike Blowers)

My thoughts on Grandma B:

When I think of Grandma B, many fond memories flood my mind. From a young age I had the opportunity to visit my Grandparents in Florida multiple times, as well as see them in between those visits, off and on. In each visit I was able to observe a person that was always loving, always caring, always thoughtful, and always doing it in her own way. I do not mean this in a generic, broad, "I don't know what else to say" sense, I truly mean these are just a few of the the things I observed of Grandma

While as a younger boy, I may not have acknowledged or appreciated these attributes to the fullest extent, I grew to greatly appreciate the peace I felt when I was visiting her and Grandpa in the summers. Never a raised voice, always a good story to hear, and forever loving to my Grandpa. As I sit here, I reflect with great fondness, in fact, one of my favorite things to think about, which is those summer mornings on the back porch, sitting quietly enjoying the nature of Florida while Grandma prepared one of her infamous meals, with Grandpa sitting patiently as he always does, observing it all as well. It would be on that back patio where Grandma would share stories of "her man [Grandpa]," raise questions of my well being, or inquire on life's stories. A great listener, beyond her even greater story telling. These memorable mornings will always provide solitude for me and forever be one of my fondest memories in any instance.

Whether this feeling is misplaced, I believe one attribute many overlook of Grandma is her humor. While it was to her own tone, Grandma was indeed one of the funnier people I knew, given the context and her demeanor. I will always regret not saving every email I have received between Grandma and I, but the ones I still have left explain this attribute. I believe Grandma B is one of the originators of that "bone" in my body. It saddens me I will never again open my email at work to see fifteen emails from Grandma detailing her original thoughts in the first two, explaining what she missed in the next five, accidentally pressing send to early in the next four, and apologizing for it all in the remaining four. All in which were only to inquire about how I am doing, or to inspire me with scripture.

Something I had expressed to Grandma in corespondance on a couple of occassions was my lack of spirituality in response to her spiritual insight she enjoyed sending to me. Differences aside in that light, I can only HOPE to someday in my life be as passionate, resolute, dedicated, and steadfast with something as she was with God.

Grandma, I love you so much and will miss you and our talks.

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